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5 habits that can subtly compromise your health

We all know that many of our lifestyle choices influence our health and wellbeing, however, what we don’t often consider are the small things we repeatedly do that impact our health. I believe it’s important to consider health and wellness changes framed from a positive perspective – for example, how you can help to improve your wellbeing with easy habit tweaks. It’s also important to acknowledge there are common habits that many of us have, that don’t serve our health. Here are five common habits that can compromise your wellbeing and be putting additional pressure on your body.

That second coffee

Caffeine in small doses can be beneficial. It assists cognition and memory, helps with bowel regularity, mostly via enhancing bile production (black coffee), and obviously gives an uplift in energy – but many people regularly over consume coffee. Depending on the size and the strength of the coffee served, that second coffee could be two additional shots on top of the first. While it may give you an initial boost, caffeine blocks our body from absorbing nutrients, puts the nervous system into the fight or flight response, asks a lot of the adrenal glands and the liver, and has myriad flow on effects to other body systems. Caffeine leads the body to make adrenalin, the very hormone that drives anxious feelings, so if you are already quite an anxious person, adding more adrenalin can leave you feeling very uncomfortable.

Wine after work

Many people use alcohol as a reward or to wind down yet it is not as harmless as you might think. Having one to two glasses of wine every night after work quickly equates to far more than the current guidelines recommend, especially if you’re filling up your glass. Current guidelines suggest one standard drink maximum per day (which is 100ml or around four sips of wine), less if there is a history of breast cancer in the family. As a substance that the human body can’t eliminate as it is (alcohol must be converted into acetaldehyde before it can be excreted), alcohol needs to be changed by the liver before being eliminated from the body. If we are consuming a significant amount of what I call “liver loaders” (alcohol, processed foods, trans fats, synthetic substances to name a few), it can heavily impact on our biochemical pathways and begin to take its toll on our energy, health, fat utilisation, sleep and disease prevention. As a general rule of thumb, have at least two alcohol-free days a week as well.

Before dinner snacks

Rushing through the door and engulfing everything and anything in your path, is something I’m sure many people relate to. Despite making good food choices all day, when you arrive home nothing is safe – next minute you’ve lost count of how many crackers with cheese or dip you’ve eaten, and you find yourself finishing a bottle of wine. If you know that before dinner snacks are your downfall, be prepared. Either have a snack before you leave the office, have nourishing options on hand at home, or eat afternoon tea.

Eating takeaways at work

With lots of late nights it’s easy to fall into the trap of eating dinner at work. I’m sure we can all agree that having takeaways most nights doesn’t do your health and wellness many favours. Despite the increasing availability of options, takeaways still tend to be higher in poor quality salt, oils and sugars than home cooking (particularly those made from scratch). Try to plan ahead. If you know you’ve got a huge deadline and you’ll need to work back, make a larger batch of food the night before and take leftovers or employ another strategy that works for you.

Omitting movement

You’ve been planning on getting to the gym all day. However, just before you slip your trainers on – you get handed another job and have to stay to complete it. Depending on your commitment to movement it’s easy in that moment to think – “ah well it wasn’t meant to be today.” Prioritising movement is essential. Perhaps, you need to consider getting up earlier to ensure you get movement done in the morning – on top of giving your body the movement it needs, you will arrive at work energised and uplifted.

8 ways to increase the nutrient density of your diet

Does it ever cross your mind that you may not be obtaining all of the nutrients you need for outstanding health and energy from your food? Whether that is due to too many poor food choices, decreasing nutrient levels in the soil – so therefore in our food – or because of digestive system problems or age, getting enough nutrients through diet is becoming more of a challenge for people these days.

It is important to make as many mouthfuls as possible count in supplying your body with the essential substances it needs each day – vitamins, minerals, antioxidants – for example. One way to do this is by choosing more nutrient-dense foods, which provide more nutritional bang for your buck. Rather than focusing on what to avoid, shift your focus to increasing the nutrient density of your meals, and as a result, some of the less-nourishing things often tend to fall away. Here are eight ways you can increase the nutrient density of your diet.

1. Drink your leafy greens

With the increase in special occasions around Christmas time and the often not so nourishing food options, juicing vegies or making smoothies is a wonderful way to amp up your nutrition when you’re in charge. Incorporate some organic leafy greens for an extra boost and some nourishing whole food fats such as avocado, nuts or seeds and you have an easy but nourishing snack.

2. Snack on veggies

One of the goals with a nutrient dense diet is to increase your vegetable intake to at least 5-7 servings daily. Adding a vegetable snack will certainly bring you much closer to this target.Try carrot sticks with hummus, cherry tomatoes with almond butter, or simply a platter of assorted colourful raw veggies such as cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, and carrots when you need a crunchy snack.

3. Decrease your reliance on filler foods

Bread, pasta, crackers, potato chips are just some examples of foods that many use to ‘fill’ up. They take up a significant proportion of dietary energy but yet don’t give much back nutritionally, particularly from a micronutrient perspective. Instead swap these out for more vegetables such as broccoli or leafy greens or starchy vegetable options such as kumara, pumpkin, carrots, or beetroot. That way you will still get that feeling of fullness the other carbohydrate options offer, but you’re also increasing the phytochemical, vitamin and mineral density of your meal.

4. Top your meals with nuts and seeds

Sprinkle mineral-rich nuts or seeds such as chia seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, cashew, sunflower or pumpkin seeds. They’re easily added to salads, main meals or even sprinkled on top or your breakfast porridge or eggs. Keep a blend on hand in a glass jar so you can easily incorporate them.

5. Eat an additional serving of vegetables with every meal

Incorporate more vegetables by changing the way you plate your meals, build the meal around the vegetables as opposed to the carbohydrate or protein options. Aim for around half your plate to be filled up with vegetable content. If this makes you panic, start by aiming for a quarter of the plate. Options like a simple herby slaw as a side as well as steamed or stir-fried vegetables are a great way to boost the vegetable content of your meal.

6. Change your breakfast

Breakfasts provide another opportunity for nourishment yet far too often we can rely on not so nourishing options such as toast or cereal! Start your day off right with a nutrient boost by adding in a green smoothie, adding leafy greens and avocado to your typical poached eggs and toast, or by making a vegetable packed frittata.

7. Incorporate protein

In today’s world many people struggle with blood glucose regulation, ranging from hypoglycemia to insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes. One of the best ways to maintain stable blood glucose levels is to eat protein with each meal. Depending on your dietary preference this can be fish, meat, poultry and eggs, or vegetarian/vegan sources such as beans or lentils, nuts and seeds.

8. Colour is key

When it comes to nutrient density the more colour you can incorporate the better. For example the beautiful bright purple in purple cabbage comes from anthocyanins whereas the bright red pigment in tomato comes from lycopene – each have their own unique health properties. Some of the most colourful foods have very high levels of antioxidants for example, turmeric, pomegranate, beetroot, spinach, kales and kumara to name a few.

Feburary 2017

Do you ever stop to consider where your food comes from? From the farmer who commits their life to feeding you through to the entire chain of production that takes place before something ends up in your shopping basket.

We are incredibly fortunate in the Western world to have an abundance of food available to us that we don’t have to grow, harvest or hunt for ourselves.

But on the other side of that fortune lies a disconnection to the supply chain that means we often forget the impact that our choices have on the world around us. I raise this, neither to elicit guilt, nor to make a political statement but because I think it’s important we all ask more questions.

I’ve discussed before about how important I think it is that you choose organic produce and products where possible. I’m passionate about increasing your nutrient intake and the benefits that has on your health. But I’m also incredibly passionate about sustainability and the impact that we all have on our planet and its inhabitants.

We aren’t given a lot of information about the production methods that everything we buy passes through before it gets to us but we have more power than we realise. With every purchase you make, you’re communicating to producers and manufacturers where you stand on the quality, sustainability and integrity of the products available on the market.

Maybe there is a cost prohibitive for you around switching to organic or sustainable products. It’s true that these kinds of products are more expensive-because the costs of production are so much greater. It stuns and saddens me that we live in a world where the true cost of food and products are not affordable for all. And we all do what we can to help change this.

But it costs nothing to ask questions. It costs nothing to take a more conscious approach to shopping by omitting something from your shopping basket because you’ve found out it was produced in a factory with unsafe working conditions for employees, for example. As you make your purchases this month, consider what part you play in the chain of production. Are there any small changes you can make to communicate to producers and manufacturers that you want more nutritious, sustainable and ethical products on offer? We all have a part to play in shaping the world around us and shifting some of the practices we feel at times, powerless to change, but that are unacceptable to us. I encourage you all to ACT on what you care about.

With warmth,

Dr Libby xx


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