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What is whole real food?

What is whole real food? As a nutritional biochemist, the importance of choosing mostly whole real foods is a message I’m passionate about sharing, but this concept seems to be the source of a lot of food confusion these days. So, let’s delve deeper into what it really means and the types of foods it refers to.

I see four distinct categories of ‘foods’ that are available in our food supply:

Category 1

There are whole real foods, which are essentially foods that are close to their natural form and that haven’t undergone significant processing before they reach our plates. These include vegetables, fruit, meat, seafood, nuts, eggs and legumes/pulses. Whole real foods that have undergone very minimal processing for storage, such as vegetables being snap-frozen, for example, still sit within this category. Some food classification systems include wholegrains here, but for me personally, it makes sense to place them in category 2, as they need a little more intervention before we can consume them.

Category 2

There are foods that have undergone minimal processing that are made from whole real foods. These foods are often used as ingredients to make nourishing meals and include oils such as those made from olives (i.e. extra virgin olive oil) and macadamias (cold pressed macadamia oil), butter, ghee, apple cider vinegar and wholegrains such as rolled oats.

Category 3

There are processed foods which usually contain two to four ingredients (but unfortunately, some might also contain concerning substances such as preservatives; always read the label and do your best to avoid foods containing these). This group includes better quality breads, cheese and canned fruit.

Category 4

Then there are foods made from ingredients that we generally wouldn’t recognise as food. These ‘foods’ have become known as ultra-processed foods. They undergo a range of different processes – most of which you couldn’t do in your own kitchen – and they have names like hydrogenation and extrusion. Foods in this group typically have more than five ingredients, none of which are whole real foods (category 1). These ingredients include hydrogenated oils, emulsifiers, hydrolysed proteins, artificial colours, flavours, anti-caking agents, bulking agents and humectants. ‘Foods’ in this category include lollies, most chocolate, ice cream, margarine, bought cakes, biscuits, muffins, breakfast cereals, most muesli bars, protein bars, flavoured milk drinks, flavoured yoghurts, instant sauces, most ready-to-heat meals, nuggets, pre-prepared pizza, hot dogs and other reconstituted meat products, packaged desserts and soft drink. And this is nowhere near a complete list!

It is this latter group that we particularly want to make a concerted effort to minimise or even avoid. These are the ones that, over time and in excess, can be significant contributors to the development of all sorts of lifestyle diseases, including insulin resistance which is a factor in so many health challenges including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and obesity.

Recently it struck me that when I talk about eating primarily whole real food, there is likely an entire generation of people who don’t know what that looks like, because most of what they’ve eaten across their lives is from category 4 – ultra-processed. And they think this is regular food. And it’s not. For me, there’s no such thing as junk food. There’s just junk and there’s food. And as a species, up until the very, very, very, very recent past, all we’ve ever eaten is food – which we currently call ‘whole real food’ (category 1).

Please know this is not to elicit any judgement or guilt about past food choices for yourself or your family, but to shine a light on what you can focus on to truly nourish yourselves moving forward. Remember, too, that it’s what we do consistently that comprises our health, not what we do occasionally. So, please don’t feel guilty or stressed about the occasional ultra-processed food that you might choose to have. If you choose to, enjoy it mindfully and then revert back to your way of eating that is predominantly made up of whole real foods.  

It’s also important to mention that not all packaged foods are ultra-processed. Many are, but not all, so it’s about being selective about the types of packaged foods you choose to buy. The easiest way to spot the ‘foods’ (junk) that are ultra-processed is to read the food label—turn the product over so you’re not distracted or misguided by any marketing claims on the front and then check the ingredients list. Notice how long it is and what is included, and ask yourself if it’s likely that you’d find those ingredients in your kitchen at home. If not, leave these items on the shelf and create your own nourishing adventure by primarily choosing foods from categories 1 and 2, and enjoy the health benefits that this can bring.

Confused about your cholesterol levels?

Are you confused about cholesterol? It’s not surprising, given the amount of bad press that it has had over the years. However, cholesterol is the building block of vitamin D and our sex hormones, including estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It’s also a critical component of cell membranes (the layer around the outside of each cell, that influence how well cells can communicate) and is highly concentrated in the brain. So, cholesterol is an extremely important substance for numerous biochemical pathways, and many aspects of our health.

Yet, it’s not a case of ‘the more the better’ and when our blood cholesterol levels are too high, this indicates that the body needs some support to effectively regulate this important substance. And, our daily choices play an enormous role in this.

Support your liver, support your cholesterol levels

The liver is responsible for about 80% of the cholesterol in our blood, while the other 20% comes from what we eat. So, I tend to see elevated cholesterol levels as an indicator that the liver needs support.  

To understand the liver’s role in managing your cholesterol levels, you might like to picture it like a bus depot. Essentially, the cholesterol needs to be transported to and from the liver – imagine they are transported by ‘buses’. The buses that carry cholesterol away from the liver to other parts of the body are called LDL, and the ‘buses’ that carry cholesterol back to the liver are called HDL. Once the cholesterol passengers have hopped off the HDL bus back at the liver, they may be sent off for excretion.

When the liver needs some support, commonly LDL-cholesterol will be elevated and HDL-cholesterol will be lower than ideal, disrupting the ratio in your blood. You can imagine the chaos that would ensue in a bus depot if there were too many passengers heading in one direction and not enough being transported back.

The good news is, simple lifestyle steps can make an enormous difference in setting up an efficient bus depot. Supporting your liver can be done by focusing on eating mostly whole foods and including plenty of vegetables. The liver especially loves bitter foods (for example, green leafy vegetables, and Brassica family vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and brussel sprouts). In addition to this, antioxidant-rich foods (think colourful plant foods like red cabbage, beetroot, berries, kale and spinach) support liver detoxification and are wonderful for quenching harmful free radicals that can oxidise cholesterol, causing damage—so, the more colourful plants on your plate, the better!

Substances like alcohol, synthetic substances and highly processed and refined foods add to the liver’s task load, so you want to be sure to minimise or eliminate these.

Moving your body regularly also helps to support healthy cholesterol levels—specifically by helping to promote optimal levels of HDL-cholesterol (think buses transporting the cholesterol back to the liver, so that it can be sent off for excretion or used for other tasks where it is needed).

Let’s talk about fat

Improving the quality of the fats you consume plays an important role in helping the liver to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, too. When people experience high cholesterol, one of the first things they often want to do is reduce their fat intake, yet this isn’t necessarily the best approach—which may feel very opposing to the messages that have been conveyed to us previously.

As a rule of thumb, good quality fats include those found in whole, real foods, while poor quality fats are typically found in highly processed foods and takeaways.

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats that have an anti-inflammatory action, and they can also be beneficial for improving the profile of fats in your blood (known as your blood lipid profile). Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids include oily fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring, as well as flaxseeds, chia seeds and walnuts. Monounsaturated fats, which are found in nuts, seeds, avocado, olives and extra virgin olive oil are also nourishing options.

Saturated fat is a controversial topic. Part of the challenge with this is that we can’t necessarily view all foods containing saturated fats in the same way, when it comes to their effect on our health. Different types of saturated fatty acids, as well as what nutrients the saturated fatty acids are combined with in the food, can alter how our body responds. So, comparing whole, real foods that contain some saturated fat, to highly processed foods that might be rich in saturated fat, isn’t comparing ‘like’ with ‘like’. That said,  if you are trying to reduce your blood cholesterol levels, eating large amounts of saturated fat (including from more nutritious sources) isn’t recommended. There isn’t a set amount that is right for everyone as it will, of course, depend on the individual – the efficiency of their liver detoxification pathways, for example – as well as other aspects of their health, such as how much inflammation is already occurring. In general though, a really large amount of any one type of fat or food isn’t ideal, as our body tends to thrive on variety.

The fats you do want to avoid are called trans fats—these are formed when liquid vegetable oils undergo a process called hydrogenation during food processing. They are essentially  damaged fats that adversely affect our blood lipid profile (including cholesterol levels) and liver health, and are typically found in commercially baked products like biscuits, cakes and pastries.

The role of the gut

When old cholesterol is no longer needed, the liver sends it to the gut to be excreted. So, we want this elimination pathway to be working efficiently. Recall, the passengers who got off the HDL bus at the depot—they need to be removed from the body. The best way to support a healthy gut and bowel regularity is with plenty of whole real foods, including plenty of plants. The plants provide your body with a variety of different types of fibres, some of which specifically help to carry old cholesterol out of the body. Foods like oats, beans, barley and psyllium are particularly high in this type of fibre. However, other fibre-rich whole foods are still incredibly beneficial, as some of our gut bacteria use this fibre to produce other substances that can help with keeping blood cholesterol in a health-supportive range.

Other factors that could be at play

Improving the quality of our food intake in a way that supports the liver and gut, plays a vital role in promoting healthy blood cholesterol levels. However, I always like to consider the ‘road in’ to any health challenge, as we need to understand this in order to know what the best ‘road out’ will be – understand what caused something and address that to correct it.

For example, improvements in cholesterol levels can sometimes happen if our body is better able to convert cholesterol into the other hormones that we require, such as our sex hormones. Zinc is a particularly important nutrient for this conversion, and we want to make sure we are getting enough of this critical nutrient so that the body can optimally utilise our cholesterol. Zinc is found in oysters, red meat (choose biodynamic or grass fed and finished red meats), seeds (especially pumpkin seeds/pepitas) and eggs. Many people today aren’t consuming optimal amounts of zinc which is why supplementation of this mineral is often beneficial.

Elevated cholesterol levels can also occur when the thyroid is underactive, so if this is occurring for an individual, thyroid health may be what they need to focus on to improve their cholesterol levels. Even a thyroid gland that isn’t working optimally—not yet a thyroid disease—may potentially have some effect on cholesterol levels (other thyroid-related symptoms are usually present if this is the case).  

Very often though, if your blood cholesterol levels are elevated, it can be a sign that your liver needs some additional support and that you could do with a big increase in the amount of plant foods you are eating. And remember, it’s what you do every day that impacts your health, not what you do occasionally – so make sure that your every day choices help to look after that liver of yours!

How do you hold up your foundation of health?

What is health? Is it simply the absence of illness and disease? An equilibrium between yourself and your environment? I like to think it’s both of these, and more. When I think of health, I like to focus on how you FEEL—your energy, vitality, clarity of mind, freedom of movement and resilience, just to name a few.

If we’ve never known illness or injury, and always felt “fine”, we often take our health for granted, not paying it much attention or investing in it. However, as soon as we don’t have our health, we desperately want it back. So, what exactly makes up our health? And furthermore, how can we build and maintain an excellent foundation of health?  

Our health really comes down to the teeny, tiny little structures that make up our bodies – cells. The key to maintaining great overall health, fantastic energy levels, a functional body, and physical and emotional wellbeing, actually stems from how well we care for our cellular health.

Just like humans, our cells need nutrients to thrive, and they also eliminate waste products. Within almost every cell lives energy centres called mitochondria. It’s these mitochondria that function as the power plant of the cell. In the same way that a power station produces electricity for a city, mitochondria are responsible for producing your energy by using glucose and fatty acids to make a substance called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

ATP is the cellular form of energy utilised throughout the body, providing the energy to pump your heart, power neurones in your brain, contract muscles, exchange gases in your lungs, extract nutrients from food, and regulate body temperature, just to name a few processes. Essentially, it allows your body to function properly, and without the sufficient generation of ATP, life would cease to exist.

So how do we promote great mitochondrial health? Our muscles contain the highest mitochondrial content of any tissue in the body in order to provide large amounts of ATP necessary for pumping the blood through your body and of course for movement. And, muscle-building exercise is the most effective way to make new mitochondria. More mitochondria means more ATP production, which means better energy levels!

Building or – at minimum – maintaining, muscle mass with regular movement, such as resistance training (which can involve lifting weights, exercise that uses your body weight as the resistance such as yoga and Pilates, or gardening and farm work) is so important for mitochondrial health and great energy. Our muscle mass gradually declines after the age of 30 unless we do something to counteract it, so it’s incredibly important for maintaining our strength as well as our metabolic rate.

As mitochondria are so intricately involved in many different biochemical reactions, they generate by-products called free radicals as a result—you may have heard me mention we create free radicals just by breathing, and this is one of the many reasons why. This is a natural process, however the overproduction of free radicals inside us, which may be generated by exposure to environmental pollution, as well as problematic substances we might ingest in what we eat, drink and those we absorb through our skin, can lead to oxidative stress which can damage our cells and tissues. This is a key factor that accelerates the ageing process—from the inside out.

Fortunately, we have a secret weapon to counteract the potential damage caused by free radicals in the form of antioxidants. These are the superstar substances that are found in colourful plant foods, and we want to ensure we are eating a rainbow of these plant foods – think turmeric, pomegranate, beetroot, berries, spinach, kale and sweet potato, just to name a few.

We also have in-built antioxidants that are made inside us and they help to protect mitochondria. One of these is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and, unfortunately, factors such as exposure to pollutants can greatly increase our requirements for this amazing antioxidant. It may also become depleted as we age and with a poor-quality way of eating, as well as with the use of some medications. CoQ10 is essential for our health, as it helps our body to yield energy, as well as quenching free radicals to reduce oxidative stress.

CoQ10 can be found in small amounts in meat, seafood, and the oils in grapeseed and olives. It can also be consumed as a supplement, typically in the form called ubiquinol. However, as our body is capable of producing this antioxidant, we also want to make sure it has what it needs to do this effectively—and this means nutrients. A range of B vitamins are needed for the body to synthesize CoQ10, so nourishing your body with a variety of whole foods is going to help you gain the nutrients that are needed for numerous biochemical processes, including CoQ10 production.

By eating a variety of nutrient-rich whole foods, including plenty of colourful plant foods full of antioxidants, reducing our exposure to problematic substances often found in ultra-processed foods, drinks and household cleaning products, as well as moving our bodies regularly to maintain muscle mass, we can invest in our wellbeing by beginning with the tiniest inner foundation of health – our cells.


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